Friday, December 29, 2006


drawing games are fun. me and my friend lisalee did this one. i forget what the rules were, but this is how it turned out.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


golden mummy

i ordered a steak sandwich and ate it. it was good. then i drew these mummies on the menu that was in the bag with the sandwich. you cant really tell by the scan, but they are shiny and gold.


knights helmets, pharoah sanders and ornette coleman

draw shit

here is some random old shit

sketch book

here are some drawings i did in the sketchbook my brother got me for my birthday. its filling up really fast. the big black lines in the middle are from the binding when i scanned them, but you get the idea.

rat kings

i draw rats all the time now. im working on a series of them that i am gonna combine into a giant jumbled mass of rats, tied together at the tails. (rat king, look it up) maybe ill make a shirt out of them or something stupid.

dead lands
